Journal Home
Testing site for FTJ prior to it moving hosts from Weebly to here on Webmate

FTJ: Folklife Traditions Journal
  • FTJ home
  • THIS ISSUE online
  • Contact & Contribute
  • [Cymru]
  • Our other websites


A print magazine; copied online on this site

Site not suitable for mobile phones, as
(1) A4-size pages
(2) some copied-pages won't load on phones

Read this issue: go to
"THIS ISSUE online"

From Folklife, print & online publishers.
  • Copying A4 size print pages, so website not suitable for phones (layout + some copied-pages won't load).
    Folklife also publish Folklife West members' folk news and a free-entry online Directory on other sites.
  • Journal funded solely by Folklife West membership & Journal subscriptions, advertising, small donations, and the editors.

a print magazine; also copied online on this site
  • Copying A4-size print pages, so website not suitable for phones
  • Free PDF downloads of THIS ISSUE online,
  • plus Updates on our UPDATES webpage and you can join our "UPDATES EMAILS" list - black box below
  • plus free PDFs downloads for our large archive of previous issues, see INDICIES
  • This site also includes our online FOLKLIFE TRADITIONS DIRECTORY
  • We welcome short researched articles -- up to 2500 words - see Contact & Contribute
  • Size varies c.16 A4 pages (10-20 pages)
  • FTJ new schedule, published in November & March (now separately from Folklife West, which remains Jan/May/Sep)
  • Any queries: email -- more details .... see Contact & Contribute page


​"Buy a coffee [or a broadsheet?]"
for Folklife: a £3 donation


We're a non-profit group -- FTJ runs at a healthy loss. . . plus, these free websites cost c.£300 a year . . .
If you find this free website useful . . . you may wish to donate £3 very occasionally,
by clicking the DONATIONS BY CARD - LINK box (for our "Ko-fi" site) for a 1-off £3 card payment. Thank you!
  • for us to continue, we need your support ​by buying FTJ (yellow box below) -- or by a small donation (£3)

JOURNAL -- PDF: free . POST: £3.50

post: Europe £5.20, wOrld £6.15 -- or 3-issues POST subscription click to open (& close!)

​our other magazine has
Folk News from our Members, Clubs & Venues, Performers, Services, Festival & WorkshopDiary - copied to

​Online DIRECTORIES: Folklife Traditions Directory
on this site. Folk Directory (club / performer etc listings) online on

INDEX tO webpages on this site​ (SITEMAP) click to open (& close!)

Go straight to web pages, as above, or from top-of-page menu,

or see below for more info - not required before going to webpages !


FTJ: Folklife Traditions Journal. Part of Folklife West magazine, & also sold separately.
​✪ PUBLICATION DATES & DEADLINES ✪ ✪ MARCH deadlines: 1 February ✪
NOVEMBER deadline: 1 October ✪
"Folklife Traditions" was noted in the Traditional Song Forum's Newsletter, 16/3/2021: for more on TSF, see
"As its name suggests Folklife West magazine is mainly focused on the South-Western Quarter of the country, but it contains regular articles about traditional song in the section called Folklife Traditions which is not geographically restricted. There are some real gems here. Roy Palmer used to be a regular contributor and several TSF members, present and past, have submitted articles for publication. You can find the archive of past issues at - select issues from the indexes. And if you would like to submit articles to Folklife Traditions they would be very welcome. Contact Sam Simmons at"

​Volunteers wanted. Currently, this is all compiled by (and subsidised by) Sam.
I'd welcome admin help to develop it -
anything from helping to index (see Index: ARTICLES webpage) to co-editing.
Volunteers are offered a free Journal each issue. Please contact

Page header: Calennig background photo © JKSimmons (Sam), see foot of page;
our new logo, ©, thanks to John Crane who has kindly modified this from his original drawing for our Book End Folk Books logo more than 40 years ago! July 2022.
FW header: Minehead Hobby Horse photo © JKSimmons (Sam)
FTJ header: Minehead Hobby Horse
logo © Chris Beaumont.
Morris dancers © Annie Jones from The Roots Of Welsh Border Morris (by the late Dave Jones).

we have a large online ARCHIVE
● Articles
● Song, tune, & notes
● Talks & Conferences
● Folklife listings
● Publications announced

● Folklife Institutions: intro., notes, articles, news
● Seasonal Celebrations: list with photos by Doc Rowe, and other contributions

On this website:
  • Archive of all FT articles, plus index for all issues.
  • Links to individual FT issues from this site.
  • Earlier online FT facsimiles (A4) were on our FT e-magazine website, but not latest issues.
  • Folklife Traditions Directory: Societies, Folklife Studies. Seasonal
  • See also (on this site) about your contributions to FT

And we have a detailed online Folklife Traditions Directory on this site:

the 'Folklife Traditions' listings, (open to all, you do not have to be a Folklife Member for these FT entries)
LISTINGS CATEGORIES click to open (& close!)

From Folklife, publishers of FW: the Folklife West magazine

'Folklife' is a non-profit group of volunteers.
Our aim is to provide information on all aspects of folklife; and to stimulate a wider interest in folk studies & folk culture generally, updating where appropriate, and as resources allow, in different media.
We seek to raise awareness about, and to promote, folklife studies and relevant Societies, Institutions, Publishers, and Researchers.
We have a particular interest in making those who are not members of folklife organisations aware of what’s available.

We produce 'FW - Folklife West' magazine, three times a year, mainly covering Wales and England South West & West Midlands, in print & copied online,

Our Folklife Traditions Journal, twice a year, not geographically restricted, with researched articles including specific songs, tunes, and dances; plus News; Diary; Publications. has a comprehensive archive of all issues, as PDFs to download.
There is also an author and subject index,
plus a Folklife Directory: Folklife Societies; Folklife Studies & Institutions; Seasonal Local Celebrations.

Contributions welcome; for more details, please see
1. Researched articles eg about a collected song or tune, word limits: no minimum - we get articles which are anything from just a song and a few lines or up to 500 words; other articles are typically 1000 to 1500, our maximum is 2500 words.
​2. To introduce society, institution, etc, up to 1000 words. Thereafter, short news items/dates from society, institutions welcome; longer items, please consult editor.

For more details, see above, or please contact Eleanor & Sam Simmons, 11/02/2023

Exploring Folklore Weekend 2017, at Halsway Manor, Somerset
  • Making Calennig - diolch Pat!
  • The Black Dog, from Devon, brought by Mark Norman
  • Mari Lwyd, from Llantrisant, brought by Pat Smith & Ned Clamp
​Photos © Sam Simmons

Be listed! Join Folklife , only £18 a year, for these Directory listings, and FQ (Folklife Quarterly) posted to you, and your free news/publicity in FQ, every issue (up to 200 words if not advertising, more if advertising), contact us. Our main site: [not suitable for mobiles]
New, 11 June 2024, site now hosted by WebMate.  Your comments welcome, bearing in mind that we are print editors, looking for a Web volunteer (someone trained for the web) . . . 

Folklife Traditions Journal, print magazine, copied online:

Home  (this page)

⎈ This issue online , Members' folk news ~ with  🄵🅆  subpages *
This site copies this issue's print pages: arranged as folk news area pages, + Festivals & Workshops Diary.
      >>  🄵🅆 Festivals & Workshops (12-month Diary)
     >>   🄵🅆 Cymru
     >>  🄵🅆 West Country
     >>  🄵🅆 UK/World    England: E.Mids; SE, London, E; NE, NW, Y+H. Alba•Scotland. International.
     >>  🄵🅆 Folk What's On   leaflet: simply the FW adverts
* sadly, on phones, 🄵🅆 A4-size pages become too small to read (images will give you a general idea, and you can always buy a copy of FW !)

⎈ Updates, & send your news ~ Updates;  forms send your news, join our free Updates emails list

⎈ About Folklife publishers ~ our other publications: Folklife Traditions Journal; Directory; Folk What's On.
     >>   ⎈ Homend Poets ~ poetry group page, and ⎈ Archive 
      >>   ⎈ STFC Crabbe ~ Somers Trad Folk Club

⎈ Info  ~ ad rates & sizes, deadlines, resale discounts, etc, info also downloadable 

Folklife West publicises news from our Folklife Members

LIVE LOCAL FOLK: we publicise news from our Folklife Members: singarounds, sessions, clubs, concerts, gigs, album news, festivals, workshops. 
So our news is as sent in by our Members (and FW doesn't interview or review), plus a few adverts.
Our news pages are arranged by area, by country/region. Plus we have our members' Workshops & Festivals Diary. 
  • Folklife West t/a Folklife: a non-profit group of volunteers
  • As our name "Folklife West" suggests, mainly Cymru•Wales, England West Country & West Midlands. 
  • Since Lockdown/Zoom, enthusiasts from other areas, and other countries, joined us.
    We welcome enthusiasts from everywhere!
Web-editor(s) wanted !  Currently it's just Sam & Eleanor for all admin . . .
  • our print readers tell us how much they enjoy our publication
  • ideally we would concentrate on editing print magazines, with others more web-knowledgeable volunteering to run a website.
We would like to be set up formally as a charity or CIC; a volunteer to take this on would be most welcome.