Staging (home page)
where we experiment with webmate replacements for  Directory and   Journal
~ not to be relied on, unless explicitly says on page "this is ready for transfer"

This is the style for Directory on web mate
This size.  Helvetica Neue 14pt ? But says Rubik under Fonts.
1st line coloured.  
Links in blue, bold, underlined

Note: if it helps, I'm happy to do colour, so long as I don't have to do links!


🄵 Tuesday, weekly Herefs BROMYARD THE FALCON ACOUSTIC MUSIC SESSION (no website)
→ The Falcon Hotel, 4 Broad Street, Bromyard, Herefordshire HR7 4BT
⇒ Contact: Roger Pugh 01885 483425 or John Bloor 07774 834689.
⊕ Every Tuesday: acoustic music session in the bar at The Falcon Hotel, Bromyard, 8-11pm - singing and playing welcome, anything goes. [new listing, Oct. 2023]

🄵 Tuesday, 3rd Herefds LONGTOWN CROWN INN FOLK EVENINGS (no website) 
→ The Crown Inn (01873 860217), Longtown, Hereford, Herefordshire, HR2 0LT, 8pm. Meals & accommodation, campsite nearby.
⇒ Chris Robinson e-mail village_carpenter<at>
⊕ All singers and musicians will be made very welcome at this singaround session (pub meals & accommodation, campsite nearby). Join the mailing list from Chris at village_carpenter<at> (Sept 2024, updated)

🄵 Tuesday, 3rd [most months] Herefs BISHOPS FROME SINGAROUND & MUSIC SESSION (no website)
→ The Chase, Bishop's Frome, Worcester WR6 5BP. Starts 7.30pm [postally Wuster but it's in Herefs]
⇒ Contact: Bernie on bernieuptonfolk<at>
Singaround & music session for folk and rural roots. Singers, poets, storytellers, and all types of acoustic instruments welcome. Free entry. Please check before coming, as not every month. [2024 May, new venue, moved from Ledbury]

→ Ledbury Community Hub, 8 New St, Ledbury HR8 2DX. 6.30pm to 8pm.
⇒ Nick Halligan 01684 563281 Email nickh2009<at>, but phone preferred. [May 2024: venue Pot & Page Cafe has become Ledbury Community Hub; same place]

​ → Prince of Wales (01531 632250), Church Lane, Ledbury, Herefordshire, HR8 1DL. Starts around 9pm.
⇒ Contact Steve Glennie-Smith on 07941-863562
⊕ This long-standing acoustic session features all types of music from folk songs to ballads, jazz and blues, but anything goes. Occasionally not held due to other events in the pub - check with Steve. [revised Dec. 2024]

🄵 Thursday, weekly Herefs MUCH DEWCHURCH BLACK SWAN SESSION [no pub or session website]

→ Black Swan (01981 540295), B4348, Much Dewchurch, Hereford HR2 8DJ
⇒ Bob Chance, 01981 540725, r.h.t.c(at)
⊕ Thursday night is folk night in possibly the oldest pub in Herefordshire, delightful, welcoming 15th century heavily-beamed village inn. Home-prepared, mainly locally-sourced food, guest beers typically from regional breweries, draught perry and cider. [new member 18/1/20]